It’s Saturday, the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Saturday: the day God rested from His work–His greatest works: Creation and Redemption. To pass the time while separated from His body, Jesus’ spirit made a quick trip to hell to proclaim His victory over Satan and his hordes of demons–that they had been defeated and doomed eternally. (1 Peter 3:18-19)
What Just Happened?
Meanwhile Jesus’ disciples were gathered, depressed and wondering: What just happened? How does any of this make sense? Now what? They felt defeated and alone, behind locked doors for fear of the Jews and Romans, wondering what would become of them. The body of their Master, their Messiah, their King, on whom thy had pinned all their hopes, lay battered and dead in a tomb, sealed and guarded by a detachment of soldiers for some reason.
“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders…”
John 20:19
How Could They Forget?
I suspect that they remembered all the times Jesus told them all this would happen to Him. I suspect also that they forgot what Jesus had also said, several times at the same times, “On the third day I will rise.”
In our darkest times there are Scriptures we ought not to forget. With Jesus, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel; there’s always hope; there’s always life after death. Just wait and trust. It won’t be long. “I am the LORD, and those who depend on me will not be disappointed.” (Isaiah 49:23)