Racism exists, along with dozens of other evidences of man’s sinfulness, but it is not everyone’s sin, nor only the sin of people with less melanin in their epidermis.
“Where did this color diversity come from? Many see it as the expression of different races, but according to the Bible all people belong to just one human race. When the apostle Paul pronounced Bible basics to the people of Athens, he said, ‘And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth.’ Genetically, over 99% of your DNA sequence matches anyone else’s on the planet. Genetics therefore confirms the biblical view of one human race.”
Institute of Creation Research
Freedom and Opportunity
Among all the other sins in this society, racism is a relatively minor problem–except in some people’s heads, along with several other delusions. Otherwise, why do darker shades of brown people from Africa, Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East and just about anywhere on earth try so hard to come to the United States and live the American dream of freedom and opportunity. In fact, the United States is one of the least racist places on earth. A person of any tint of skin does not have to feel out of place among crowds of Americans. Nowhere else can such a diverse looking population live together in relative peace and prosperity, unless they have been poisoned by Critical Race Theory or Black Lives Matter–or white supremacy, but I haven’t seen or heard about that except from politicians and journalists. There’s no money to be made or government favoritism granted by being a leader/teacher of white supremacy.
An Excuse
Those who find racism under every rock are uncovering more about their own heads, hearts and hustle than what is real and determinative. Racism is not a catch-all explanation for everything less than perfect. It can be an excuse for not dealing with much more substantive problems. If it’s there, get rid of it. If it’s not, don’t imagine it, and don’t make a mountain over a molehill–or let it keep you from enjoying or making the best of a blessed life.
“To make racism the driving force behind slavery is to make a historically recent factor the cause of an institution (slavery) which originated thousands of years earlier.”
Thomas Sowell
History of the USA
Thomas Sowell, a “black” academic, economist, and author has this to say: “The history of the USA is neither purely wicked and racist, nor perfect. Correlation is not causation; disparity is not necessarily discrimination . . . To make racism the driving force behind slavery is to make a historically recent factor the cause of an institution (slavery) which originated thousands of years earlier.”

All One in Christ Jesus
Of God the Creator, the Bible says, “He made from one man every nation of mankind.” (Acts 17:26) God the Redeemer says, “Go make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) The Holy Spirit says, ” As many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)