Climate change hysterical fanatics have got a point: human behavior does affect the climate. So says the Bible anyway. About 4 1/2 millennia ago (that’s thousands, not billions of years), “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth . . . filled with violence . . . was corrupt . . . ‘I will bring a flood of waters to destroy all flesh. Everything that is on earth shall die.'” (Genesis 6:5-17) Sounds kind of like Al Gore, John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, and AOC, etc. And sure enough, most people ignored the warnings, and all but a few survived the climatic catastrophe. (Genesis 7) That was naturally followed by global cooling and an Ice Age before relative stability was restored.
Escape For Your Life
Then about 4,000 years ago a particular region of the earth got God’s attention again. He told Abraham, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grave.” (Genesis 18:20) When two angels were sent to investigate, the men of the city (Sodomites) gathered to sexually molest them. (Genesis 19:15) The men (angels) told Lot, “Get out of this place, for the LORD is about to destroy this city. Escape for your life. Don’t look back.” The next day “the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire . . . The LORD overthrew all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.” (Genesis 19:24-25)
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
Acts 16:31
Going “Green” is Not The Answer
God has another extreme weather event coming. “The heaven and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.” (2 Peter 3:7) “When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven, with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction.” (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) This will be one hell of a climate change–bringing on a climate that will never change, and you can’t escape it by going green and driving electric cars. But “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 16:31)